The Guru Nanak Diversity Village is located at 6471 175A Street in Surrey BC. The site is approximately 2.5 acres in size and the intent is to construct a concrete structure comprising of 125 Long Term Complex residential care beds grouped into six resident home areas on 3 levels with 1 level of underground parking with 67 stalls and building support service spaces. The gross floor area is approximately 118,177 sq.ft.
The intent of this facility is to provide high quality care and services to the residents and communities it serves, based on a commitment to create a family-oriented and secure environment favouring the autonomy of the residents. PICS takes pride in providing an environment where its residents can live with respect and dignity regardless of their language, culture and beliefs. Beyond meeting the current standards and requirements for Long Term Care facilities the Project will improve the resident, family, staff, caregiver and volunteer experience as well as further improve the quality of services provided to residents through a new purpose-built facility for many years to come.