This project involves the new construction of a new 4-storey above grade, 256 bed Long-Term Care Home of approximately 14,117 square metres in the City of Peterborough.
The site is currently an undeveloped block of 2.2 hectares within an infill site in the City of Peterborough. The existing property slopes from north to south, with approximately 10 metres of existing grade change over the site. The site work includes tree clearing and grubbing, grading and earth work, sanitary service, water service for fire protection and domestic use, storm water drainage systems, a stormwater management system, concrete work including curbs and walks, light and heavy-duty asphalt paving and landscaping. Some dewatering may be required to facilitate site grading, building construction and service line installations. The facility will contain 3 passenger elevators, a laundry chute, a full conventional cooking central kitchen and central laundry facilities.