Buttcon completed the renovations and replacements as part of the Climate Change Action Plan, that the province of Ontario is investing in energy efficiency retrofits for social housing apartments. This project included nine high-rise buildings across the GTA in TCHC’s portfolio. The project included air duct and radiator cleaning, boiler room upgrades, improved ventilation systems, new exterior, garage and common area LED lighting, window and balcony door replacement and new low-flow toilets. TCHC’s goals for the retrofits included: reduce TCHC’s aggregated annual net utility costs by at least 30% for each building including reaching a performance target of 1.5 m3/m2 for water and 200 ekWh/m2 for overall energy consumption; reduce total annual greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30% across the sites and their buildings, with at least a 20% greenhouse gas emissions reduction for each site; minimize future maintenance and operating costs; and improve the indoor environmental quality (IEQ) of the buildings. To achieve these goals, Buttcon installed/performed the following at each site; window retrofit, over-cladding, heating and DHW system upgrades, make up air unit upgrade, booster pumps retrofit, water conservation (including leak detection systems and toilet replacement), lighting retrofit, garage ventilation upgrade, BAS upgrade.
- 44 Willowridge Road - 238 units | 14 floors
- 3847 Lawrence Avenue - 213 units | 13 floors
- 3947 Lawrence Avenue - 238 units | 19 floors
- 75 Tandridge Crescent - 221 units | 10 floors
- 10 Boultbee Avenue - 166 units | 11 floors
- 4301 Kingston Road - 419 units | 20 floors
- 57 Mabelle Avenue - 176 units | 19 floors
- 80 Blake Street - 189 units | 14 floors
- 15 Tobermory Drive - 374 units | 24 floors